Facebook Boycott: What Small Businesses Should Know About

By: AlexJames

Facebook Boycott: What Small Businesses Should Know About

The Black Lives Matter movement’s latest instagram and most significant response is the Campaign. Its call to action – for businesses to suspend their July Facebook ads – creates a problematic situation for small businesses in the face of economic hardship caused by the pandemic.

This post will explain what is and how you can assess whether your company can participate. We’ll also discuss the various ways to support the Facebook ad boycott, depending on your situation.

Facebook ads boycott social media posts.

What is comprarseguidoresargentina

Color of Change, America’s largest online racial justice group, launched the comprarseguidoresargentinacampaign on Wednesday, June 17. Along with the NAACP and ADL, Sleeping Giants, Free Press, and Common Sense Media, the organization called on Facebook advertisers not to spend any more July 2020 ads.

The Facebook advertising boycott is that ads account for 99% of Facebook’s $70 billion annual revenue. Color of Change’s campaign announcement stated that Facebook might lose a month of ad revenue to reevaluate how it has failed to respond to the demands of Black users or civil rights organizations.

Over 100 advertisers have joined the Facebook Ad Boycott since its inception. These include prominent brands such as Adidas, Best Buy, and Starbucks.

Coca Colas Facebook boycott statement

These large brands lost advertising spending almost immediately: Facebook’s market capitalization fell to $60 billion in two days.

Who can take part in #StopHateForProfit

The short answer is Any business. Many businesses are eager to take advantage of any chance to make a difference, especially with the momentum of the Black Lives Matter movement. The pandemic has also created an economic crisis that puts many businesses, tiny ones, and nonprofits in a difficult spot.

Gordon Donnelly, Senior SEO Manager at Gordon Donnelly, explains why it is easier for large companies to participate in #StopHateForProfit

The story is very different for public and private companies and enterprises, with huge budgets and many stakeholders and extensive customer bases/public visibility. Booting Facebook could result in lost revenue but more upside over the long term. These companies have more significant margins of error. These companies have higher margins for error, but the promise of retaining existing customers and the possibility of attracting new customers who share your values is worth the risk. You can also influence some changes.

The movement can be a problem for small businesses. Donnelly continues:

Small businesses can rely on Facebook advertising for valuable brand awareness and high lead volumes. Facebook ads feed display advertising, organic and direct volume, paid conversions on brand terms, and many other benefits are all available. For most of these businesses, boycotting Facebook could mean losing significant revenue and disrupting their marketing flow across all channels. It could also be risky to reduce or stop spending on Facebook, as many businesses are already struggling to generate income during the pandemic.

The comprarseguidoresargentinawebsite addresses another issue: “Many nonprofits depend on paid ads on Facebook to get their message across, especially since Facebook has increasingly limited their ability to reach audiences

Here are some tips to help you decide how to take part in #StopHateForProfit

Are you a part of the Facebook advertising boycott? Word Stream’s experts offer some suggestions on how to best respond to #StopHateForProfit.

  • Facebook advertising: Understand your goals
  • Kristina Simonson, WordStream Lead Acquisition Manager, suggests asking yourself these questions:
  • Is your business able to afford the loss of lead/customer generation?
  • What does it mean for your ability to get back up after a month of pausing?
  • Keep an eye out for your competition’s activities.
  • Simonson also emphasized the importance of keeping track of other companies in your industry. This can be done by:
  • Take a look at statements on competitors’ websites and social media channels.
  • Browse the Facebook Ad Library.
  • Search page for Facebook’s Ad Library
  • Learn the mood in your industry

Holly Niemen is a senior account manager at PPC Hero and one of the 50 most influential PPC experts. She strongly recommends that you monitor your social media channels.

She says that it doesn’t matter if you are an enterprise or a small business;  the comments in your Facebook ads. organic comments.  your DMs and tweet replies. It might be good to cut back on spending if you see too much abuse, particularly if performance is suffering.

Alternatives to Facebook advertising during the comprarseguidoresargentinacampaign

For small businesses, a suspension of Facebook ads for one month can result in revenue loss. Businesses who want to participate in the Facebook Ad Boycott can redirect their Facebook advertising budget towards more effective but alternative efforts. These are some options.


Run local news ads

Instead of spending your advertising budget on other social media platforms such as Snapchat or TikTok, you could invest your dollars in local news ads. You can take part in the movement and reduce revenue loss.

Advertise on local news sites.

Word Stream’s Senior Vice-President of Marketing, Laura Taylor, said that this was an excellent way for WordStream to support local news sources that bring injustice out and where so much attention is focused during the pandemic when people are looking for guidance in their communities.

Google Display Network

Facebook ads can be used for prospecting, but custom intent and local audiences have made the GDN a viable alternative. You can also prioritize lead quality with Discovery ads, which are now available to all advertisers.

YouTube advertising

Or you could start a YouTube display advertising campaign.

Donate the money for antiracist initiatives

In July, you can pause Facebook ads but not reallocate your budget to another platform. Instead, donate the money to programs that support black empowerment or antiracist initiatives like Vans.

Van’s tweets Facebook ban on advertising

Vans will reinvest all their Instagram and Facebook advertising dollars for July.

Remember, the call to action is to stop spending money on Facebook. These businesses plan to continue posting organically so that you can share your strategy or donation results with your audience.

Matching employee donations

You can also reinvest your Facebook ads budget into a fund that matches employee donations to antiracist groups. To help spread the word, you might even want to create a press release about your initiative and post it on your social media channels.

Example: Employee donation match

How to join the comprarseguidoresargentinaMovement if your Facebook ads aren’t paused

Many businesses are trying to figure out how to participate in the comprarseguidoresargentinaboycott of Facebook ads during a global economic, social justice, and public health crisis. These are alternative ways for businesses to participate if they can’t afford to pause their ads.

Pause your Facebook ads briefly.

If you feel strongly about the Facebook advertising boycott and can handle the revenue loss, or if Facebook hasn’t been a revenue-generator in the past, you might want to suspend your Facebook ads campaigns, even if it’s only for a portion of July.

Facebook advertising boycott for seven days example

Contribute a portion of your Facebook advertising profits

You could offer to donate a percentage of your Facebook advertising profits to civil rights organizations if you cannot afford to pause ads.


Run an influencer collaboration

An influencer collaboration is a way to get involved with other people who cannot afford to donate or stop Facebook ads. Influencers can be described as mini-celebrities in a niche with a large following on social media and blogs. You could also try collaborating with influencers by writing a guest blog post, inviting them to publish on your blog, and cross-promoting each other on social media.


Find out your response to #StopHateForProfit

Each business is different. Therefore, every business’s response should be unique. Here’s a summary of the strategies you can use to help your business succeed.


  • To determine how much you can participate, assess your goals, competitor behavior, and customer sentiment.
  • Your budget can be reallocated to local news ads or Google Display ads.
  • Spend your Facebook advertising budget on an antiracist organization or donation matching program.
  • Pause your Facebook ads briefly.
  • Contribute a portion of your Facebook advertising profits to an antiracist group.
  • Run an influencer collaboration.

We are grateful to Ceil lie Clark Keane and Gordon Donnelly, Kristina Simmons, Laura Taylor, Holly Niemiec, and Elisa Gabbert, who collaborated on this post.

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