3 Reasons to Buy an Exercise Wheel for Your Kitty

By: Hub Blogging

If you don’t have time to take your cat Coco out for a walk or jog on a typical day, consider buying cat fitness equipment your furball can safely use indoors.

An exercise wheel can help your frisky cat work off those extra kgs, so consider investing in one. It is much similar to a hamster wheel or manual human treadmill, and the wheel spins under a kitty cat’s weight—a highly popular cat product in the current times.

However, consult your vet before purchasing any fitness item for your furball. Kitties dealing with bone and joint issues, respiratory problems, heart conditions, and other chronic health problems need moderate workouts, in which case an exercise wheel may be of little help.

Working on an exercise wheel can deteriorate existing medical issues and cause more harm than good in the above cases. It is advisable to use only vet-recommended exercise machines and consider being prepared with pet health insurance so your furry pet is covered for basic health benefits in challenging times of health.

Search cat insurance online, weigh the pet insurance cost of different policies available, and then request and compare quotes before contemplating signing up for a policy that best suits your munchkin’s health needs and your budget.

In the meantime, read this article to learn some reasons to buy an exercise wheel for your feline.

Reason 1: Introduce your cat to a new exercise method.

Whether your cat is fluffy or obese, needs to adopt an active lifestyle and get in shape, or wants to maintain weight, an exercise wheel can help your four paws in more ways than one.

Feline fur babies often find an exercise wheel motivating because it allows them to walk or run at their pace and have fun at the same time. If you are a busy cat owner and want to provide your cat with an opportunity for daily exercise during your absence, then an exercise wheel is a reliable solution.

This way, your furry baby can use it when in the mood for exercise, and you don’t have to feel guilty about not being able to schedule extra playtime to get your little pet moving.

Reason 2: Help your cat burn pent-up energy.

Kitties can get bored and restless when they have little to do during the day. An exercise wheel can help solve their problem to a certain extent. A five-minute walk or run may be all a feline needs to get exhausted and fall asleep.

A power nap post-exercise can make a furry little one feel much better later and helps curb its destructive behaviors. If your cat enjoys running on the wheel, amp up the level after a few sessions by focusing a laser pointer on the equipment so it runs faster than before.

Reason 3: You have space for additional cat equipment

If you have enough space indoors and can afford an exercise wheel, you should consider buying it for your pet. This machine can cost you hundreds of dollars depending on the make and the store where you purchase it.

Cats are curious creatures and are often drawn towards new things. An exercise wheel can give your cat a fun indoor expedition and help it achieve weight goals too. Simultaneously consider being equipped with pet health insurance because, many a time, health issues are unavoidable and expensive to treat. Know that pet insurance cost can be more bearable than unexpected vet bills, which is why you must contemplate purchasing a policy.

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